Ordering Information
Here is how to order.
Please read our disclaimer section
before ordering!
**1 - Decide what products
you want.
Print a copy of our handy ordering
form to help you. If no printer is available, hand
written is fine. Our seed prices
are found here.
Shipping Canada only;
ON, QC $15.25 (+ tax) for Xpresspost
other Canadian provinces and territories
$23.58 (+ tax) for Xpresspost.
Slower option Expedited $18.35 (+ tax)
All others $7 usd or 5 euro.
Please note: We are not responsible for late, lost,
or stolen shipments.
**2 - How do you want to pay.
Payment options: Cash (cad/usd/euro) or money order (cad/usd) and
Interac E-Transfers (through your Canadian bank).
See full details on payment options below.
We prefer you do not mail cash and you do so at your own risk.
Money orders can be purchased at some corner stores, gas stations, payday loan places and large stores like wal-mart, CVS, etc... Brand names of money orders that work are Money Gram and Western Union.
NEW, Interac e-transfer payments accepted using paysend.com. Email us your seed choice(s) and we will respond with a total and directions.
Please note: We do not accept personal checks (cheques), credit cards, paypal or Western Union type transfers.
**3 - Write down the name and full mailing address you want
your order mailed to.
If you would like confirmation by e-mail, add your e-mail
address in the space provided on the order form. This is optional, but the only way to receive confirmation.
**4 - Mailing your order to us.
Stick with your local post office for services.
Our mailing address
is as follows:
H. Depot
Suite 222
1568 Merivale Rd
Nepean ON K2G 3J9
Don't forget to send us your product choice(s), a name
and shipping address along with your payment.
"Interac" E- Transfer (through your Canadian bank)
a)- Send an email (subject: e-trans) to hdepot@protonmail.com
Include your product choice(s) along with the province the order is to be mailed to.
b)- We will make sure your choices are in stock before you pay. We will then respond with your total including shipping and tax along with the etransfer details.
c)- Send your payment and then email us the name and address to mail the order to and the information we need so we can accept the e-transfer (secret answer) .
d)- Once payment is received, we will process your order and mail it out by the same or next business day's 5pm postal pick up (Monday thru Friday EST).
We will then email a confirmation to you. Included will be your invoice and a tracking numbers.
Put your payment, and completed order form in an envelope.
Mail to us at the address above.
Remember to hide cash well.
Registered mail is very slow and would not suggest it.
We prefer not to receive cash, but if this is your only
option, we will.
We are not responsible for cash lost in the mail. Money orders are cheap.
Money Order
Purchase a money order for the total amount you calculated
on the order form. Be sure to add shipping, as well
as applicable tax for your province. Money orders should be made payable to H. Depot.
Money orders can be purchased at some corner stores, gas stations, payday loan places and places like Walmart, CVS..
Order Time, Processing and Delivery
Getting your letter to us;
It takes 7 to 11 days but up to 15, to get a letter to us.
Processing and shipping your order;
In most cases, orders are shipped out by the next business day, after receiving your letter for in stock product.
Orders are sorted oldest to newest by the post date on the envelope (the date you mailed it). First mailed, first served for that day.
This is where adding an email address for contact on the order form is a great idea. As soon as we process your order, we email you confirmation with an invoice number (used for questions directed to us for that particular order).
As well, if for some reason we are not able to mail out your order (stock or address concerns), we can contact you.
Receiving your order;
We do the same thing with every order. We process and in most cases, mail out your order the next business day (Mon to Fri) from receipt of your letter.
Notes on delivery times.
Knowing we mail out orders the same day, why some take a few days to be delivered and others longer, the only variable being the post office. Both the customer and company rely on the post office to do what they do, to make this happen.
If we receive your complete order info with full payment, we will ship you your order by the next business day, from receiving your letter.
This is the service we provide, not forgetting the great choices we list. |